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Electronic Marketing

How To Ignore Loyal Customers: Contact centers and the untapped gold mine of market research

Report: Amazon, eBay Not the Biggest Threat

While shoppers who visited Walmart.com, BestBuy.com and JCPenney.com also visited Amazon in large numbers, just small percentages clicked to the e-tail giant's site within 10 minutes, suggesting they were not comparison shopping.

Though they attract a large percentage of the online buying audience, e-tail giants like Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) and eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) do not necessarily compete directly against other e-tailers, according to a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings

The report argues that even though the two mammoth sites reach one-fourth of the online population, e-tailers must determine which other sites are their true competitors and then forge a strategy to win customers accordingly.


Customer Segmentation Strategies: Managing customer relationships for profit means taking a closer look at segments and service levels

Online Consumer Confidence, Spending Grows